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- /*
- * GAP-Lib (C)1998 Peter Bengtsson
- * The Genetic Algorithm Programming Library.
- *
- */
- #ifndef __GAP_H__
- #define __GAP_H__
- #ifndef TAG_DONE /* This should be defined if tags are already defined. */
- typedef long Tag;
- typedef unsigned long IPTR;
- struct TagItem {
- Tag ti_Tag;
- IPTR ti_Data;
- };
- #define TAG_DONE (0L)
- #define TAG_END TAG_DONE
- #define TAG_IGNORE (1L)
- #define TAG_MORE (2L)
- #endif
- #ifndef TAG_DUMMY
- #define TAG_DUMMY (64L)
- #endif
- #ifndef TRUE
- #define TRUE (~0)
- #define FALSE (0)
- #endif
- #define GAP_RAND_MAX 0x7ffffffd
- /* Tags for CreatePopulation.
- *
- */
- #define POP_Init (TAG_DUMMY+0x01) /* Initialization function. */
- #define POP_Destruct (TAG_DUMMY+0x02) /* Destructor function. */
- #define POP_Cache (TAG_DUMMY+0x03) /* Cache? Defaults to TRUE. */
- /* Tags for Evolve(). These define different parameters of the evolution
- * of the Polyphant population.
- */
- #define EVL_Evaluator (TAG_DUMMY+0x01) /* Fitness function, _REQUIRED_ */
- #define EVL_Mutator (TAG_DUMMY+0x02) /* Mutator function */
- #define EVL_Crosser (TAG_DUMMY+0x03) /* Crossover function */
- #define EVL_Elite (TAG_DUMMY+0x04) /* No. of Elite individuals to copy without modification */
- #define EVL_Dump (TAG_DUMMY+0x05) /* Dump the worst individuals */
- #define EVL_Select (TAG_DUMMY+0x06) /* Select type */
- #define EVL_Stats (TAG_DUMMY+0x07) /* Generate statistics (Defaults to TRUE) */
- #define EVL_PreMutate (TAG_DUMMY+0x08) /* Mutate before generating new individuals (Defaults to FALSE) */
- #define EVL_Newbies (TAG_DUMMY+0x09) /* No. of new individuals to generate. */
- #define EVL_Flags (TAG_DUMMY+0x0A) /* Mode of operation Flags */
- #define EVL_Mensurator (TAG_DUMMY+0x0B) /* Measures the distance 'twixt individuals */
- #define EVL_Crowding (TAG_DUMMY+0x0C) /* Use crowding replacement */
- #define EVL_InitDumped (TAG_DUMMY+0x0D) /* If EVL_Dump>0, re-initialize dumped individuals. */
- #define EVL_EraseBest (TAG_DUMMY+0x0E) /* If EVL_Newbies>0, replace the best individuals. */
- #define EVL_Transcriber (TAG_DUMMY+0x0F) /* Transcription function. */
- #define EVL_Thermostat (TAG_DUMMY+0x10) /* Regulates selection 'temperature'. */
- /* For EVL_Select */
- #define DRANDOM 1L /* Double Random */
- #define FITPROP 2L /* Fitness Proportionate */
- #define SIGMA 3L /* Sigma Scaled Selection */
- #define TOURNAMENT 4L /* Tournament Selection */
- #define INORDER 5L /* Sorted in order of fitness */
- #define TEMPERATURE 6L /* Temperature-dependant selection eg. Boltzmann */
- #define UNIVERSAL 7L /* Stochastic Universal selection */
- /* For POP_Init */
- #define ZERO_INIT 0L /* Zeroed bits */
- #define RAND_INIT 1L /* Random bits */
- /* For EVL_Flags */
- #define FLG_InitDumped (1L<<0)
- #define FLG_EraseBest (1L<<1)
- #define FLG_Crowding (1L<<2)
- #define FLG_Statistics (1L<<3)
- #define UnitedKingdomFlag (1L<<31)
- /* Structures */
- struct Popstat {
- double AverageFitness; /* Average fitness of population. */
- double MedianFitness; /* Median fitness of the population. */
- double TypeFitness; /* Type fitness value (Most common) */
- long TypeCount; /* Countvalue for type fitness */
- double StdDeviation; /* Standard deviation */
- double MaxFitness; /* Fitness of the fittest individual. */
- double MinFitness; /* Fitness of the least fit individual. */
- void *Max; /* Pointer to the fittest individual. */
- long Generation;
- };
- struct Population {
- long NumPolys;
- long Generation;
- long Flags;
- struct Popstat Stat;
- long Bytes;
- void *Polys;
- void *Magic;
- };
- extern int EnterGAP(int);
- extern void Crossover(void *Ind1,void *Ind2,const long int At,const long int Size);
- extern void Flip(void *Individual,const long int At);
- extern int Testbit(void *Individual,long int At);
- extern void InitRand(const long int);
- extern unsigned long int Rnd(const long int Max);
- extern double InRand(const double From,const double To);
- extern double GaussRand(const double My,const double Sigma);
- extern double PoissonRand(const double My);
- extern struct Population *CreatePopulation(const long int NumIndividuals,const long int Size,struct TagItem *);
- extern struct Population *CreatePopulationT(const long int NumIndividuals,const long int Size,...);
- extern struct Population *Evolve(struct Population *OldPop,struct TagItem *);
- extern struct Population *EvolveT(struct Population *,...); /* Varargs interface to Evolve() */
- extern void DeletePopulation(struct Population *Pop);
- extern void *PopMember(struct Population *,const long int);
- extern double IRange(const unsigned long int,const double,const double);
- extern unsigned long int HammingDist(void *,void *,const int);
- #endif